Delivered From Overwhelming Fear

The day I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease and told I would have to have a heart-bypass operation, a fear came over me greater than any fear I had ever known. Stupidly, I watched a heart operation on tv, and it brought that fear to a new level I wouldn’t have believed possible.

About two weeks before the operation, I was in church on a Sunday morning. At communion time I started down the aisle toward the front of the church, praying “Precious Jesus, I am in such a state of fear, only you could possibly know. But I know that you faced something even more dreadful than what I’m facing now, yet you went so willingly, for us, to that Cross. Precious Jesus, I ask you for the strength that enabled you to go to that Cross. You are the source of all good, of all strength, all courage, and all love and mercy. I humbly ask you now to enable me to face this terrible fear and dread that I have, because I turn to you my precious Jesus."

My body trembling, I reached the front of the aisle and took communion. When I turned around to return to my seat, INCREDIBLY there was ABSOLUTELY NO FEAR left in me! A calmness descended upon me and so filled me, that from that day on I had not a hint of fear as I went to the hospital and had that operation which provided me with 28 more years, as of now anyway, of health and life. What an awesome God we have. How blessed are those who turn to Him in their time of need.

Estelle M

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